yupp, i've finally managed to drag myself to update my blog. ever since tuesday, i've just been in this stinky mood [not upset, or emo, just really irritated with the littlest thing]. hormones, these seemingly small chemical messengers can actually have such a large impact on your life!
well anyway, monday was blading! i used to have a pair of blades, which were a size 4 [current shoe size is 8-9] so you can figure how long ago that was. and i think once last yr, or the yr before, the band ppl went to blade, and it was horrible. so this time, again being very aprehensive, but wanting to learn how to blade, i decided to try again. it was bad initially, refusing to go over humps, and of coz falling, but after a while, and with constant encouragement =), yupp, it wasn't that bad after all. bladed frm marine cove to bedok jetty and back. and blading is indeed some tiring exercise! woke up the nxt day with muscle aches. HAHA.
oh ya, before blading it was lunch consisting of pasta [courtesy of sam cooking, simeng stoning], cold storage chicken, salad [but with thousand island =/]
but of coz, there was tuition to rush to after that =(

no prices for guessing who's the one holding up the prata. HAHA. cheese prata + teh tarik. it was so good yumms..
Tuesday was out with mom. shopping. i have this huge pile of long sleeve tees, together with v-neck pull overs and jackets, which of coz is stashed away at this corner of my wardrobe till september. so meanwhile, my summer clothes just have to be worn and reworn. haha
Wednesday was gym, home to rush tuition notes [rarrr, one of the irritants], tuition, and N&B dou hua. yumms
Yesterday, off to collect my passport. it's visa application now. it never seems to stop does it. first it was making a decision. den it was sending in confirmations. accomodation. criminal record. passport making. scholarship application [which was a bitch coz the courier company screwed up by first saying they misplaced it, den said they found it but it wasn't signed for. like WTH?!]
Today, i'm home. stoning my day away, with nothing to do. haha its kinda weird eh, though i'll be out the whole day tmr till the wee hours of the morning i figure.
blogging about these things makes me irritated again, i better stop, or maybe this would be a good excuse for a nice slice of Cedele chocolate mouse cake later. haha, and the yummy Ikoi buffet tonight [which still isn't confirmed =(]
till den.
to think based on logic or not, thats the mental battle.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
been wanting to blog for a few days now just that either i suddenly don't feel like when i'm online or that i so tired i just plonk down on bed to sleep.
well anyway, i'm trying to recall what i did for the past few days! it's been almost a week since i last blogged.
we'll start from Friday den. After my second last driving lesson, of which i wonderfully knocked down a pole at the parallel parking, i went to meet Sam and later Angela. We were at Charles and Keith and they were telling me how nice the wedges looked on me, instead of auntie flats. but NO, i'm not going to let myself give in to temptation, coz realistically, i'm not going to be able to wear them for long =S ah well, it was Planet Shakers after that which could have been done with more music, but generally, the effect was still there and i don't regret going. [oh ya, parent's were a m'sia for the wkend] i slept at 2 to wake up at 7am the nxt morning =(
Sat was fun fun fun. There was dreadful tuition in the morning [which wasn't so dreadful after all] coz there was something to look forward too later. well anyway, it was off to Roy's house at night [after the ever sinful chomps for the 2nd night in a week!?] for a night of xbox, mahjong, and simply just being with the whole group after ages. well, apart from the company, the amount and type of food we consumed were beyond belief. after the chomps, we had CREAM puffs [70% cream, 30% puff] and the japanese light chese cake, followed by raffles hotel multi flavoured cake and the in betweeen kettle chips. i slept at 2 to wake up at 8am the next morning =(
Sun was the last lesson of driving. which was fine enough. after driving was svc, sermon was good. den it was off to far east to walk around of which i drank bubble tea =/ and ate ding tai fung with the family after that.
Monday. scary day. BUT, i received a slip of paper saying: YOU CAN DRIVE WHILE AWAITING THE DELIEVERY OF YOUR PHOTOCARD DRIVING LICENSE =D enough said.
i guess i'll kinda miss complaining about always getting car no. 171, or whining about the *klonk klonk klonk klonk* of my fallen parallel parking poles. haha well anyway, went to have dim sum to celebrate after that.
Yesterday. fun fun fun fun day again. i felt ike i got transported like 5 months back, back when xia jiao and mahjong [coupled with the inevitable swipes] were part of our everyday lives. being 1/2 hr late for breakfast was the usual, running for the long-waiting traffic light was the usual, ordering pizza hut for lunch was the usual. ahh well, it shouldn't be about reminscing, but about appreciating it now. the day started off great, with a larger amount of swipes than usual, casuing us to break out into fits of laughter [and of coz telling ourselves that laughing helps us lose weight]. it just had to end on a not so good note for me, with mom asking me to meet her to discuss admin stuff for uni and of coz losing mj [hmm, isn't that normal?]
but anyways, after boring admin stuff, dad picked us up for dinner at chinatown. and... and... and... i drove home after that. OMG IT WAS SCARY.
1. dad's car is slightly bigger than vios.
2. the signal thing is on the other side.
3. the car doesn't seem to move when i accelerate, coz dad's car is heavier.
4. the feel of auto and manual is just diff, i often feel like i'm not in control.
5. driving on the CTE is scary, coz there's hoards of cars and since there's no l plate now, their nasty and seem to be impatient, AND it feels scary to drive at speeds above 80km/h.
6 taxis again, cut across 2 lanes in such a small space, blocked my path and as i was abt to filter out, i almost knocked into it *hides*
but generally, it was ok. of coz dad didn't trust me to park without the poles and red triangles, so he did it. he's going overseas tmr and i'll drive him there! [that is if he hasn't changed his mind after last night. HAHA]
ok down, to editing my scholarship applications, changing passport, finding info if i can set up a foreign currency account here and transfer it there later. SIGH, i hate it when i have to do such stuff when i should be enjoying myself during the holidays =(
Monday, June 11, 2007
ok majestia photos a very long time ago. coz i finally got back my sd card and managed to upload this.

well ya so i've come to a conclusion that i really do not like tuition coz i feel like i'm causing the kids to do badly in school and also causing Ray to lose money as all those people are quitting. but nvm, i'm going to stop soon.
well that aside, sat was philwinds. Sat through the concert with my mind drifting to places everywhere but the pieces. I realised my attention span has shortened drastically. Talk about listening during lectures next time. HAHA. Supper at Lau Pa Sa with the usuals. Waiyip was seriously entertaining as usual with his stories and animated face like "the world?!"
Sun was fine enough. I went to swim before going to ecp for solitude. the weather was good and the wind was nice. had lunch at pw and i realised i really miss going to pw like 5 times a week. i miss the times me, oi and xa spend scouring the place for food like roti boy, scoopz, oreo ice blend, dou hua tang yuan etc, band dinner at bk/macs/mos/treats[yu kee duck rice etc]. left there rather late. reached home to start filing and painting my nails, which was a disaster when you do it at the last minute. gave up to shower, change, make up to go for Ray's wedding.
Well me and jas just kinda stoned around people watching the family members and all. sat with Ray's jc classmates. and it really made me think like i wonder how it'll be like maybe 7/8 years later when all my friends get married. and i really like these modern days wedding where technology has made it possible for photos from birth to coutship time to be displayed on a slide show. Also they are able to show the video taken from all the morning ceremonies. I was particularly moved when they showed the bride tearing as her mom covered her veil and she was leaving her house. ok i had quite alot of thoughts running through my mind about the wedding last night, but it seems 1 night of sleep has cleanly erased everything.

ok so today was spent at home doing admin stuff.i applied for accomodation already. self-catered non en-suite newly refurbished flats. looking forward to eating ham sandwiches/cereal/pasta for my meals soon. hahaha ok and i drafted my supporting statement for the scholarship application. and i found another Singaporean from acjc going to the same uni!
am somehow looking forward to it.
Friday, June 08, 2007
i finally found something that i lost a few days ago. speech.
it's only now that i finally realise the importance of speech despite countless experiences of losing my voice. now that my job requires the ability of speech. i've been whispering/croaking through my last 3 lessons. also given all the free time, my brain seems to be entertaining the most absurb thoughts. like i was actually thinking, what if i never ever regain my voice? i can't go ahead to study medicine coz how the hell am i suposed to communicate with my patients? i can't change course now coz i've already rejected the rest and applications are closed. will i just be a scientist in a lab doing experiments and drafting reports? it was such a scary thought.
i received my letter of confirmation from UCAS today. sometimes i feel i'm not a very understanding daughter. like i should have tried harder for NUS instead of making my parents drain their banks for my education, leaving none for retirement. like maybe i thought going overseas was an entitlement since Sis got to go so why not? my parents are very supportive and never once told me not to go overseas. yet i can't help but feel this way.
den i start thinking, i have to work hard so as not to disappoint them. and i start having all those horrible thoughts how i would be lost during lectures and not understanding and not being able to cope. sigh
lastly back to work. took over Sec4 Phy lesson today. while waiting for the lesson to start, i jammed the photocopy machine. and i had to make Ray come back just to remove the hidden jammed paper. THAT made me feel like such a loser. the lesson itself was ok, as in i could explain the concepts to them. what was bad was facing a bunch of unmotivated sec4s doodling on their papers refusing to do their work. and its not only this class. my sec 4and 3 Chem and Bio class was the same too. well it is the holiday, and i was voice-less for the classes, but i can't help but think it is my inability that causes this. den i start thinking about how many students have quit since i started and THAT is not an encouraging thought. and den i start thinking i can't seem to lead or take charge well [since the leadership days of sec school] and i start thinking what if i graduate to become a loser doc who sets up a clinic with no business.
so i gather i'm in a low confidence mood
ok, lets get out of this horrible mood! let's talk about my 7/11 experience with that voice of mine yesterday.
i went to 7/11 to buy a drink. so the convo went like this.
cashier [who is busy with the register and not looking at me]: do you want a carrier?
me [with hoarse deep voice]: no
cashier: [jerks head up adruptly and gives me and shoots me an UBER WEIRD look]
so i was thinking what was that about. and while walking to the bus stop it struck me. DO I LOOK LIKE A CROSS-DRESSER TO YOU!?
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
omg i feel like crap. it sucks when ur sick doesn't it. and i realise sick ppl like to complain alot which irritates the hell out of people around you, thus i'm trying not to complain coz having me and dad sick at the same time isn't the best thing my mom can hope for eh?
enough of crapping and weird theories. it started with having a nagging feeling in my throat on Mon, which developed into a horrible pain in my throat at night, and waking up in the middle of the night coz of the pain. Tues was a quiet day coz i lost my voice. It wasn't just hoarse, it was gone. and of coz, whats sore throat without a flu, fever, and muscle aches to come huanting you at night?! so i popped a flu panadol in hope that it'll help both the flu and fever and it did. unfortunately here i am typing with my nose leaking like a tap. well the fever is gone though.
so this marks the 2nd week in a row not gyming/exercising. i wanted to swim on monday, but it started raining in the afternoon. and when the weather was so good yesterday, i was sick! tell be about it. even the weather is out to make me fat. HAHA.
and i've got stuff to do as well which i can't if i keep falling asleep -_-
- tuition work
- essay to TRY to get the Sing Scholarship
- apply for a new passport
- waiting for my acceptance letter:
i) apply for accomodation
ii) apply for visa
iii) apply for credit card
ever wondered why people drink honey water when their throat is sore? it's coz honey has antiseptic properties! random.
Friday, June 01, 2007
King's College London - MBBS - Decline
University of Sheffield - MBChb - Firm
University of Birmingham - MBBS - Withdrawn
University of Leicester - MBChb - Decline
now its time to decide whether i should stay in comfortable en-suite catered halls or standard self-catered ones. haha
btw, Hock Lam Street beef kuey tiao is GOOD, though a tad bit expensive. and ending the meal with Venezia's rum&raisins and tiramisu is NOT FAT. considering i had ikea's chicken wings and cheese prata on tuesday, cheese baked pork chop spaghetti frm hk cafe on wednesday, sausage mac muffin + popodums and yummy inidan food on thursday. i didn't gym at all this week!
ok time to finally, sit back, relax and enjoy after 3 weeks of thinking.